Thursday 2 April 2009


Betryal. A negative verb that can hurt many feelings, and can sketch bad memories. Betryal can be considered to be different actions, in different situations. A friend talking behind your back, being a trator could be betrayal. Your husband cheating on you, leaving you for someone else could be betrayal. A child being abandaned by his parents could be betrayal, your boss chosing your best friend to be his secretary for her looks, after promising you the promotion could be considered to be betrayal. The range to betrayal could be limited, it could be broad. Who knows. But, according to moi, betrayal is purposly hurting someone 'close's' feelings, or going behind their backs, with them counting on you.
Betrayal had taken place in my life, and so i do know how i did and would react towards such situation. Then, i really got mad and made things worse by doing things and saying things you wouldn't want to know about. But now, i know im far better with handeling situations, and would most likely get exhasperated, and may explode on the who-so-ever, regarding my mood. If i think i can take it, and knew not expect much out of that person, i would most likely egnore the happening. But I'm always counting on people, if i trust, i trust fully, if i dont, i dont. So if a close one does betray, its going to be an unforgetable act. Maybe it could be forgiven, but it depends. As i believe, i can forgive, but never forget.
Also with forgiveness, it might take a while for me to get over it, because i tend to stick to things strongly, and have a hard time letting go. So yea. Bottom line, and long story short, dont betray me, becuase i can be mean, and yea end of story. Medea Rocks! :D

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