Thursday 5 February 2009

Le Women

The Role of women: It has always been a struggle for women to gain respect and dignity. The society has always looked at the female race, to be lower than that of men’s. In the ancient days and surprisingly even now a days, this absurd thinking continues. Antigone, plays an important role in Sophocles’ play Antigone. She is stubborn, right, and courageous. The traditional role of women is to sit at home, 'produce' kids, take care of them and the house, and play a happy-go-lucky wife around her husband.
women symbol Pictures, Images and Photos Antigone could be referred to as a feminist play, as in this play the women’s voice is heard, and Antigone stands up for herself against the Greek ruler Creon, in defense for her brother Polyneices, "And you, Antigone.....Now I do not" (Antigone 1.2.50-72). According to me, Antigone was very determined and a very confident women. She not only spoke against a man, but against her father in law to-be, who was the emperor of Greek. Creon was an overconfident, proud, and an outrageously stubborn ruler, who believed that he was the government and that whatever he said was the law. Whereas Antigone followed and spoke in favor of the gods law. Due to her cross behavior towards the king, she was asked to be executed. She was loyal to her brother, to her sister to her family and herself. Fingers were pointed at her, intentions were made to put down her self esteem, yet she stood strong in front of the society and the king, " Like her father....done"(Antigone 1.2.75-98). Where the society's lips were sealed, from the fear of the king, words were exhanged behind his back of Antigone's outstanding courage. Just like this play, many movies use this theme in their plot, ex: Legally Blonde, Raising Helen, Ugly Betty (series), Pirates of the Caribbean. In all of these entertainments, the female lead plays a crucial part.

1 comment:

Ms. Lindsay said...

I like the examples you refer to at the end that have common themes. Do you think Sophocles was ahead of his time?

Your quotes do not have enough of the actual words to be meaningful. For example, what does this mean: "And you, Antigone...Now I do not"? I don't understand.