Sunday 22 February 2009

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice was a very different book from those i've read before. Its about a girl called Monica who is obsessed about everything to anything in her life. She would weigh two bean bags to see if they are the same, she couldnt stand an extra hair strand popping out from a stranger's head. Everytime she would do something, she would jump into thinking of conclusions, and if she messed up somewhere. She wanted everything perfect. But at the same time, she didnt want everything to be perfect, because as again she would skip to conclusions, asking what will things be like if they WERE too PERFECT. Monica's life was fine with obsession until she came up with the game called "Multiple Choice." This game decided what she would do, in order to be 'not perfect'. Through this game she could be a complete different person, yet being herslef. Its a fun book to read, that would crack you up at least once everytime you read a chapter. Also, Monica, gives a whole new meaning to 'anagrams' as it plays a crusial part in her life, for figuring out who she really is. Its a great book that anyone can read, and should read! It is fun, with a good vocabulary, and would make a great movie.

Character: 10/10
Setting: 9/10
Problem: 10/10
Plot: 10/10

oh and it had a fine ending...thankfully!


Ms. Lindsay said...

What does "fine ending" mean? Happy ending? Does this mean you don't like sad endings?

The Indian said...

fine as in "not bad".
and well it dopends what sort of sad..haha some are just too depressing, and the others are ok, and good. this one was a good one. not happy not sad. Just a smile-putting kind. :)