Wednesday 13 May 2009

The Opportunity by John Cheever

The Oppertunity is desent short story, about a sixteen year old girl named Elise. The story is been told in Limited Omniscient point of view. The author only lets us know about Elsie's mom's feelings, but not Elsies'. Anyhow, we do get to know about the actions done by Elsie, and what all is going around her, and the dialogues of the other minor characters. Through out the story, there are three settings in total, one at Elsie's house, second, at the Cogswells house (where Elsie babysat), and the theater. The settings in this story weren't the the effective elements. The story didnt develop around them. The characterization on the other hand; Mrs. Wilson is a round character, and Elsie is a dynamic character. At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Wilson did not want Elsie to become an actress, as she didnt expect her to be granted with such an oppertunity. But towards the end, when Elsie did get the opportunity, ironicly Mrs. Wilson was over-thrilled, and didnt want Elsie to let go the opportunity. And what made Mrs. Wilson a round character, was that she didnt stop Elsie from making her own decision, and was happy with Elsie the way she was ( a babbysitter). Elsie on the other hand, always wanted to be an actress. She wanted to act, it was her dream. A dynamic character is a character who changes, through out the coarse of the story, like Elsie. By the end of the story, she refused to be in the play, as she said it "stinked". It was again, ironic, how she gave up something that had meant so much to her.
The conflict of the story was mainly man vs. man, as Elsie went against her mothers' will, and the producers and directers of the play called her a tramp and called her other names. And, ignoring all the insults, Elsie stood by her decisions.
The theme of the story could be summarized to: Making the right decision. i.e. if Elsie wouldnt have quit the play, she would have been critisized to be in the stupid play.
Going on the Plot, the turning point in this story would be when Elsie tells her mom her decision about quitting the play, because she thought it stinked.
The mood of the story was easy going, yet sort of glum, keepin in mind, the slow pace, and the soft diction: beautiful, wonderful, indolent etc. The word choice was easy to follow and consisted of common words. And hence, according to me, the story seemed a bit dull, the moody spark could be fixed.

My point of view about this short story: The Oppertunity was an average story. Nothing too moving, or too engulfing. It wouldnt have made a difference if i hadnt read it. Elsie didnt choose to be an actress in the end, something i would've done if i didnt like the play. But i didnt like her mother's part in the story. She was soo moody, and a person who would go with the flow. At firs she didnt believe in Elsie, and discouraged her about acting, and later when Elsie did get the opportunity, she goes all physced about it, and starts picturing things that would have happeneed if Elsie didnt quit it. I think, the mother was selfish, and put Elsie under alot of pressure. Altough her husband had abandoned her, i think it was her who had to move on, and it was Elsie, who made the right decisions, and was sort of like the adult in the house. As she could think and decide for herself at the age sixteen.

Setting: 3/5
Plot: 3/5
Character: 4/5
Conflict: 4/5
Problem/Theme: 4/5

Monday 11 May 2009

The Turtle

This was the second piece of work that i read, that was written by John Steinbeck. It was intense. haha. I had read another descriptive piece by him, on Sir Lansalaut, which i did like. This on the other hand, was really really really descriptive. He uses ALOT of metaphors, and an immense amount of figurative language. It got annoying. I mean, the story is about this turtle who is trying to cross this road. He faces various conflicts on his way, like pointy things stuck on his leg, etc, but he is still determined to get on the other side of the road. The whole story being a metephor, for not giving up, no matter how many conflicts we may face in our lives. On the good side, I did like the metephors Steinbeck used, and he did a good job giving the oh-so-slow pace to his piece, just like the way a turtle walks. It was a very very descriptive piece on this not-so-ninja trutle, who is willing to put his life in risk, just to get across. Yup, i was expecting this piece to be better, however the first piece was better. I would not, ever read a novel, written like this short story. :)

Despite all that i said, i did like his novel, Of Mince and Men :)

Saturday 9 May 2009

The Sunrise

The edgy huts lay still under the shadow of the sky. Every single one inscribed at a constant distance. Fences gaurded those huts, parting a hut from another. Inside the fences grew lucious, flowering shrubs, which engulfed their surrounding with a tastey fragerence. Beyond all the huts was a thick layer of evergreen trees, that formed a canopy over the sleeping creatures. To elaborate the scence, there were elephantine mountains that jolted towards the sky, as if trying to poke the delicate balck bubble.
There was no sign of sound, except the scatters of tiny crickets crooking. Everyhing was at rest. The small huts, the tangled bushes, the wooden fences, the evergreen trees, the thin tributeries, the gigantic mountains, the smallest dust particles. Everything was asleep, from the grass-coated ground, to the star-sparkled sky. Everything at peace, waiting to awaken.
At frist a seam of bright yellow was revealed from behind the magnificent rocks. Just one at first, and then another. And keeping its pace, a shy arc exposed itself between the two triangular rocks. It slowly grew, depicting its potentials of a semi-circle. It was bright, it was glittering. It was fiesty, it was a speachless site. As it grew to be a glowig ball, above all the huts, above all the fences, and above all the canopies, and above all the mountains. It shined, as it corroded through the shadows, making them fade away, it was overwhelming.
Everything had come to live. The tiniest due drom, that had rested motionlessly on the sleepy leaf, gleamed. Evertyhing was alive, from the shaded creatures, to the dark mountains. Everything was alive, under the shadow of the burning sun.

Saturday 2 May 2009

The Third Twin

The Third Twin, by Ken Fllett. The Trid Twin is one addicting book, that was hard to put down. It is about identical twins, who dont belong to the same mother. One born by one, and the other by another. One is the good guy, and the other could be a lover, your friend or your killer. It is unpredictable throughout the nevel, what lies next. A genetic researcher, putting all she got, to solve the complicated mystry, to who mercylessly raped her best friend. Which one of them did it, who knows? It is a great novel, that comes under the genre, thriller, and horror. It is not a normal, or cliche novel, as there was absolutely NOTHING, that took place, that i guessed right. And no, im actualy pretty good at guessing the endings. it was great! :) Read it.

Character: 5/5

Thursday 2 April 2009


Betryal. A negative verb that can hurt many feelings, and can sketch bad memories. Betryal can be considered to be different actions, in different situations. A friend talking behind your back, being a trator could be betrayal. Your husband cheating on you, leaving you for someone else could be betrayal. A child being abandaned by his parents could be betrayal, your boss chosing your best friend to be his secretary for her looks, after promising you the promotion could be considered to be betrayal. The range to betrayal could be limited, it could be broad. Who knows. But, according to moi, betrayal is purposly hurting someone 'close's' feelings, or going behind their backs, with them counting on you.
Betrayal had taken place in my life, and so i do know how i did and would react towards such situation. Then, i really got mad and made things worse by doing things and saying things you wouldn't want to know about. But now, i know im far better with handeling situations, and would most likely get exhasperated, and may explode on the who-so-ever, regarding my mood. If i think i can take it, and knew not expect much out of that person, i would most likely egnore the happening. But I'm always counting on people, if i trust, i trust fully, if i dont, i dont. So if a close one does betray, its going to be an unforgetable act. Maybe it could be forgiven, but it depends. As i believe, i can forgive, but never forget.
Also with forgiveness, it might take a while for me to get over it, because i tend to stick to things strongly, and have a hard time letting go. So yea. Bottom line, and long story short, dont betray me, becuase i can be mean, and yea end of story. Medea Rocks! :D

Thursday 26 March 2009

Hard Love

Hard Love, a book written by Ellen Wittlinger. Where to start, this is deffinitly one of my fave. books now. Valeria had recommended this book, and at first i thought it was going to be ok-sih, but it turned out the be great! It is about two people mainly, this guy, and this girl who is a lesbian. The boy likes a particular author for her zines, which happens to be the girl. They meat up, and he starts to like her. They spend time together, and become close friends, and they run away together. The Boy is into the girl, knowying she's a lesbian, and thats where the conflict begins. It is also another very difernt book, from wat i;ve read beore. It wouldnt be surprising, if this was actually a non fiction, though it is fiction. Great book, read it, you wont regret it.


Teach Me.

Teach Me is an amazing book written by R.A.Nelson. It is about a girl who falls in love with her Literature teacher, named Mr. Mann. The book circles about the themes, love, betrayal, and true friendship. A story about a girl falling deeply in love with an possibly ten year old, older person, and having a out-side-school-seductive relationship with him. The girl is blindly in love with the teacher, not knowing off what lies next. She pictures her life in the arms of the gorgeous guy, unaware of the fact that he will be marrying another women, leaving her desperate with rage and love. It is a differnt story, that could be read as a "mind candy". At least no one dies in the end. Or at lest close to not die :)

Character: 5/5
Setting: 3/5
Plot: 4/5

Sure, go ahead read it.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice was a very different book from those i've read before. Its about a girl called Monica who is obsessed about everything to anything in her life. She would weigh two bean bags to see if they are the same, she couldnt stand an extra hair strand popping out from a stranger's head. Everytime she would do something, she would jump into thinking of conclusions, and if she messed up somewhere. She wanted everything perfect. But at the same time, she didnt want everything to be perfect, because as again she would skip to conclusions, asking what will things be like if they WERE too PERFECT. Monica's life was fine with obsession until she came up with the game called "Multiple Choice." This game decided what she would do, in order to be 'not perfect'. Through this game she could be a complete different person, yet being herslef. Its a fun book to read, that would crack you up at least once everytime you read a chapter. Also, Monica, gives a whole new meaning to 'anagrams' as it plays a crusial part in her life, for figuring out who she really is. Its a great book that anyone can read, and should read! It is fun, with a good vocabulary, and would make a great movie.

Character: 10/10
Setting: 9/10
Problem: 10/10
Plot: 10/10

oh and it had a fine ending...thankfully!

Saturday 21 February 2009

Brutus and the Chivalric Codes

Chivalric codes: Honor, Chastity, Loyalty, Courageous

Honor: Brutus is one of the key characters that we've studied, who shows the greatest bond with honor. Brutus was obsessed with honor. Everything to him was for honor. His actions, his words, his speeches, even his death was to gain honor.
Chastity: Brutus had a wife--Portia, so he was definitely not chastit-ious. Not much was discribed, over if he liked women or not, but we certainly saw that although he loved his wife, he didnt honor her enough to trust her and tell her one of his secrets.
Loyalty: Brutus didnt tell Portia his secret, in order to keep his loyalty towards Cassius and the others. But was Brutus loyal to his wife by doing so? Was Brutus loyal to go Behind Caesar's back and make plans to murder him? It may have seemed to Brutus that he was being loyal to Rome, but in my opinion, he definitely was not loyal.
Courageous: Though not loyal, I think, Brutus was surely courageous. Brutus was a friend of Caesar and respected him. I think, it takes some courage to go behind a friend's back and to kill him. It takes courage to admit that you killed someone, and then to give an outstanding-persuasive speech in front of the commoners, not knowing how the'd react. And it also takes courage to tell someone to take your life. It takes courage to die with honor.

Thursday 19 February 2009

The Good Guy

Koontz Good Guy Pictures, Images and Photos

This is a book by Dean Koontz, who is one of my favorite writers. One of my favorite books by him is Velocity. Dean has a very intriguing way of writing. He mainly writes mistery/thrillers, and is a pro at it. This book, is another mistery/thriller book of his, which starts of with a guy--Tim-- sitting at a bar, who is mistaken by a stranger to be someone else. The stranger dilivers him a photo and a certain amount of money, to kill the person in the picture. Tim knowing that he'd been mistaken for someone else, doesnt say anything and takes the package. What happens next, could only revieled after reading the book.
I say read this book! Yes, it is a mind candy, and a really tasty one! If you for a rollercoaster-istic novel, that paces itself in a great way, then this is the book for you. But, if you are one of those bio-auto bio-fantasy sorta person, then i'd recon to skip this one.

Setting: 10/10
Conflict: Man vs. himself and Man vs. Man.

Monday 16 February 2009

Camparin' & Contrastin'

Sir Launcelot du Lake. What a name..It is a really strong name, that was given to a courageous night, who was made the head night of the Round Table by King Arthur. There are various legends, and different authors have laid them for us to read in their own different ways. Sir Launcelot's character is shown differently in the two different prospectuses of the legends; Sir Launcelot du Lake and from the Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights, written by Sir Thomas Malory and John Steinbeck respectively. The two images that these writers worked on to portray are extremely different from each other. In Sir Thomas's version, Launcelot's character is explained dramatically, in a very exagerated manner. For example: "Sir Launcelot took another spear and unhorsed sixteen more of the King or North Galys's knights and, with his next, unhorsed another twelve; and in each case with such violence that none of the knights ever fully recovered"(Sir Launcelot.Pg:1078). Many events, just like this one, were described with much fantasy, hence, seemed unrealistic. Istead of being wowed by his brave battles, I was more like "yeah right kido."
On the other hand, Steinbeck's version ilustrates a totally different picture. His version consisted of detailed discriptions and figurative language, which made his writing seem like a emotional story. For Example: "Lancelot exhausted the theme of his hands and squinted down the long hall and watched the movement with eyes so nearly closed that he could not see faces...The knights in long full floor-brushing robes walked lightly or thought their feet barely touched the ground because their bodies were released rom their crushing boxes of iron" (The Acts King. Pg:1094). Through this example, we can see how Steinbeck manages to create a delicate sympathy towards Launcelot. The discriptions for what he thinks, and what he observes are a great way to gain the reader's sympathy. Both the authors did a great job, developing the different images of Sir Launcelot. Where, one was an honorable, courageous, undefeatable knight, the ohter was an emotional, delicate, yet honorable knight with deep feelings. The interesting thing about both the pieces were, that both the writings had a power, that dug out two completely different responses from its audience. Good job writers!

Saturday 7 February 2009

What goes around, comes around

The Role of Fate: What goes around…comes around. There are people who don’t believe in fate and there are some who believe their lives are strongly based upon it. In Antigone, it was said that the house of Thebes has been cursed. Tirisius, the oracle told King Laius that his son would kill him. Oedipus, his son eventually did kill him and married to the king’s wife, oblivious to the fact that she was his mother. They had four kids, out of which Antigone was one of them. Creon was the queen’s brother, who was crowned as the king after Oedipus. The myth continues, and things change. Antigone commits suicide, and Haemon, Creon’s son, commits suicide as well. He was Antigon’s husband to be, and killed himself from the grief of his lover dying. Creon’s wife, latter, kills herself, “The burden…closing her eyes” (Antigone 1.5.99-117). It was Creon’s fate to suffer and end up living a dreadful life. His stubbornness, and arrogance and caused three lives, “when we were….of the dead” (Antigone 1.5.44-76). It was pitiful; Haemon, Antigone and Eurydice dying. Antigone had paid for her stubbornness, and for her father’s, and brother’s mistakes. It was Thebes’s fate to break apart. Thebes paid for such ruler and a cowardly audience. It was karma that brought Creon’s pride to an end. Antigone had once said, “O tomb…equal my own” (Antigone 1.4. 58-70). Here Antigone had asked for an equal punishment for Creon, only if she was right to stand up for the right thing. And again, there is something in return for every action. Good for good and bad for bad. I believe in fate, in karma. Every time I do something from the goodness of my heart, I believe that there is something in return for that. This something that many writers, and film producers use to gain sympathy out of their audiences towards their characters. Ex, if something bad happens to the protagonist, the audience would cry, and if the vilen dies, it brings some sort of a satisfaction. I’ve always wondered why is that we expect, and why is that things happen. Just the way they do…

Thursday 5 February 2009

Le Women

The Role of women: It has always been a struggle for women to gain respect and dignity. The society has always looked at the female race, to be lower than that of men’s. In the ancient days and surprisingly even now a days, this absurd thinking continues. Antigone, plays an important role in Sophocles’ play Antigone. She is stubborn, right, and courageous. The traditional role of women is to sit at home, 'produce' kids, take care of them and the house, and play a happy-go-lucky wife around her husband.
women symbol Pictures, Images and Photos Antigone could be referred to as a feminist play, as in this play the women’s voice is heard, and Antigone stands up for herself against the Greek ruler Creon, in defense for her brother Polyneices, "And you, Antigone.....Now I do not" (Antigone 1.2.50-72). According to me, Antigone was very determined and a very confident women. She not only spoke against a man, but against her father in law to-be, who was the emperor of Greek. Creon was an overconfident, proud, and an outrageously stubborn ruler, who believed that he was the government and that whatever he said was the law. Whereas Antigone followed and spoke in favor of the gods law. Due to her cross behavior towards the king, she was asked to be executed. She was loyal to her brother, to her sister to her family and herself. Fingers were pointed at her, intentions were made to put down her self esteem, yet she stood strong in front of the society and the king, " Like her father....done"(Antigone 1.2.75-98). Where the society's lips were sealed, from the fear of the king, words were exhanged behind his back of Antigone's outstanding courage. Just like this play, many movies use this theme in their plot, ex: Legally Blonde, Raising Helen, Ugly Betty (series), Pirates of the Caribbean. In all of these entertainments, the female lead plays a crucial part.

Thursday 22 January 2009

Movie vs. Play

According to me, the movie wasnt as good as the play, since it wasnt as dramatic. Also some of the characters weren't as i had imagined. The delivery of the lines, the props, the costumes, and the expressions were better in my imagination. Yes, at some points it was good, but on a scale of one to ten, i'd give the movie a four. Where as the play would be an eight. And then there is always this theory, that once you read something, the movie is never as good. (well maybe in harry potter's case, its an acception) But anyhow, i think the movie could have been better, with better directing and costumes. Some of the the lines could have been delivered in a different style, and some of the characters behaves/talked in a completely different way than i thought. So, yes, i think reading the play was much better than watching it.
(the octavious guy was cute though (:)

Saturday 17 January 2009

What I think about Shakespeare...

There is so much to Shakespeare's writing, he has emotion, he has sarcasm. He has pity, he has joy. He has romance, he has violence. He has humor, and he has sorrow. Shakespeare is a great writer with a real passion for his writing. His writing is much different from any other writer in history, and has much value to it. It is true that people might struggle with understanding his work ( i do too), but once you understand the language, it is hard to question his work. He has alot of exageration, and sometimes sounds cheesy, like our good old quote, "Romeo, O Romeo, where art fort Romeo?". Anyhow, he understands his characters very well and knows how to put up a speechless show! Surely, many of his readers can relate to his plays, characters and the situations he provides throughout. I really like his writings, although i still think Romeo and Juliet could be soo much better, but over all he is great! He's a rebel, he's awsome! :)