Saturday 21 February 2009

Brutus and the Chivalric Codes

Chivalric codes: Honor, Chastity, Loyalty, Courageous

Honor: Brutus is one of the key characters that we've studied, who shows the greatest bond with honor. Brutus was obsessed with honor. Everything to him was for honor. His actions, his words, his speeches, even his death was to gain honor.
Chastity: Brutus had a wife--Portia, so he was definitely not chastit-ious. Not much was discribed, over if he liked women or not, but we certainly saw that although he loved his wife, he didnt honor her enough to trust her and tell her one of his secrets.
Loyalty: Brutus didnt tell Portia his secret, in order to keep his loyalty towards Cassius and the others. But was Brutus loyal to his wife by doing so? Was Brutus loyal to go Behind Caesar's back and make plans to murder him? It may have seemed to Brutus that he was being loyal to Rome, but in my opinion, he definitely was not loyal.
Courageous: Though not loyal, I think, Brutus was surely courageous. Brutus was a friend of Caesar and respected him. I think, it takes some courage to go behind a friend's back and to kill him. It takes courage to admit that you killed someone, and then to give an outstanding-persuasive speech in front of the commoners, not knowing how the'd react. And it also takes courage to tell someone to take your life. It takes courage to die with honor.

1 comment:

Ms. Lindsay said...

chatit-ious? I think you mean chaste. And chastity does not necessarily HAVE to mean sexual purity. You could use it metaphorically to speak about purity. Overall, though, good comparison.